Centre for Development and Community Welfare (CeDCoW)
Title: Centre for Development and Community Welfare (CeDCoW)
Name of Responsible Persons: Mr Georges Mampa Dietezua
Source: http://www.cedcow.org/index.php
Date of project: Ongoing

CeDCoW is an INGO that operates mostly in the United Kingdom and in Sub-Saharan Africa. In the UK, their focus is on the integration of African refugees into the British society, and dispelling stereotypes about refugees. The activities of CeDCoW include:
identify refugee needs and priorities
advocate to obtain services for new comers
provide housing advise and support
help with English language training and enrollment in relevant language institutions
ensure children of refugees are given special support
provide assistance and access to health services
help with relevant trainings that can facilitates or enhance job prospects
encourage and promote volunteering
liaises and network with partners
undertake and encourage research, especially exploring issues affecting the well-being of African Migrants in UK
advocate and campaign for the rights of refugees and asylum seekers