Refugee School Impact Grant
Title: Refugee School Impact Grant
Type: Article (Grant)
Location: Seattle, Washington
Name of Responsible Persons: Kai-Chin Chan, Student and Family Advocate
Source: Hayes Seattle Schools
Date: Uncertain
The purpose behind the Refugee School Impact Grant (RSIG) funding is to help refugees, and specifically refugee children aged between 5 to 21 who have been in the country for three years, to integrate into schools. The intent of this Grant is to help refugees and their families adjust within academic environments, and to strengthen the involvement of refugee parents with their children’s schools and their involvement within their communities as a whole.

The activities that refugee students engage in are meant to increase their proficiency in the English language, give them important skills, help them integrate holistically, and support them in receiving their credits so they can successfully graduate from high school.
This summary is created from information found on the following Link.