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DUTCH BOOK CLUB (Nederlands Boekenclub) (3)

wo 02 okt


Location is TBD

Join our book club to learn Dutch in a very exciting way! Meet new people, read, speak and have fun! (Doe mee met onze boekenclub om Nederlands of Engels te leren op een leuke manier! Ontmoet nieuwe mensen, lees, spreek en heb plezier!)

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DUTCH BOOK CLUB (Nederlands Boekenclub) (3)
DUTCH BOOK CLUB (Nederlands Boekenclub) (3)

Time & Location

02 okt 2019, 16:24 – 16:39 GMT-2:30

Location is TBD

About The Event

Our book club project aims at assisting people who wish to learn Dutch language  with this process. Each book club will be made up of not more than 15 participants,…

 Seeing that it will be made up of people from different backgrounds, it will be an opportunity to network with people and increase social contact within the community.

Onze boekenclub project heeft als doel mensen te helpen die met dit proces de Nederlandse taal willen leren. Elke boekenclub zal niet uit meer dan 15 deelnemers bestaan, die een…


  • €20 Participation contribution

    We ask for a participation fee of 20 euros. You can pay this in person to the club leaders. If you cannot afford this, please write to us to ask for free participation and we can review your application accordingly. You can also donate to support our project via

    € 0,00
    Sale ended


€ 0,00

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